Friday, September 20, 2013

The Adjustment Bureau

The movie The Adjustment Bureau, starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt, is a very interesting tale of having free will, or better yet not having free will. The movie is all about a man trying to fight against the plan the chairman wrote. In this case, I believe it is safe to assume that the chairman is God. Ultimately, the chairman writes the plan for every person. These plans sometimes fall off the correct path. This is where the Adjustment Bureau come in. These men “nudge” people to make sure they stay on there designed path. For example, in the movie David, the lead character, was supposed to spill coffee on his shirt. This act would have prevented him from seeing Elise, as well as make him late for work. The idea here is that everyone is supposed to see these small little actions as accidents but in reality it is the adjustment bureau. Another aspect the adjustment bureau cant control is chance. The movie states that chance can still occur. When chance occurs in the world, the adjustment bureau steps in. In the end, however, David fights so hard against his plan, he changes it. I find that this is interesting concept. In previous blogs, I stated that I believed that God had an ultimate plan for us. He intervened when necessary but overall we made the tiny decision. I saw this as free will. Basically that there is not one set path but options. Each path, however, would lead me to my ultimate plan. That is exactly what the movie shows. Every day people go on and live their lives normally. They do not realize they are even on a plan. If they deviate from the plan, something will intervene. Once put back on the right path, they continue to make decisions just like before.  

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