Thursday, September 26, 2013

Compatibilism in the Bible

It is fascinating to read the different ways free will, determinism, and Compatibilism is presented in the Bible. It is interesting to me that out of all the biblical readings: Psalms 139:1-18, Jonah 1:1-2:10, Mark 10:17-22, I definitely feel the strongest connection to the story of Jonah. The story of Jonah is about a man who was called by God to go to the city of Nineveh. However, Jonah refused and ran from the Lord. He decided he would travel, by boat, to Tarshish. While on the boat, a huge storm faces the passengers. Through many different discussions and decisions, Jonah is thrown overboard by the other passengers. In the end, Jonah is swallowed whole by a large fish sent by the Lord. Jonah then realizes he is wrong and decides the Lord is right. The Lord commands the fish and Jonah is puked up by the fish. This story lines up with exactly what I have been saying for weeks in my other blogs. I believe that God has an overall plan for all of us. He knows what He wants us to do. As well as, He has every ability to keep us on the path He has chosen for us. He gives us the opportunity to choose the path we want. He gives us the opportunity of free will. He wants us to make the right choice. However if we chose a path that takes us away from is ultimate plan, He will do what He needs to do to get us back to where we need to be. In the case of Jonah he was choosing to disobey God, so God put him back on the path He wanted. He caused the storm and the fish to put Jonah on the path He had chosen for him. Overall, I believe God knows what is best for me. Therefore if I’m choosing the wrong options, He will help me travel back to the right path. 

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