Friday, September 6, 2013

Answers to the Two Questions

I am going to address two questions. Questions which I feel are frequently asked by many. These questions are, “Who is writing the script of my life?” and “Who’s to say what’s right?”  For the first question, I approach it like a book company. I am the author and God is the editor. I write the story. I make all my decisions. I strongly believe, I have free-will to choose whatever path I wish to take. Therefore, I write my story. All of the details, the action packed chapters, and the ultimate ending are completely up to me, based on my decisions. God comes in as the editor throughout the entire story. Just like an editor would edit and change the story as he reads each chapter, God will help me along in each chapter of my life. He will place things in my life to guide me in the right direction. He will interfere when He believes I am off course, allowing me the option to take a different path. Nevertheless, I chose between my options. I remain the author and I ultimately decide the final story I wish to live. The second question to be addressed is “Who’s to say what’s right?” I believe that as a society we decide what is right. We are generally raised in the same ideals as our neighbor, our friends, our family, and the community in which we live. For example, as a whole, society believes that stealing is wrong, rape is wrong, murder is wrong, and lying is wrong. These are not usually debated. Society has decided, unanimously throughout many years, that these actions are morally wrong and we all know it. We as a community, society, and government say what is right. We do this together. 

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