Friday, October 25, 2013

Question #2

When I began thinking about the type of classic category I tended to use for making ethical choices, I was stuck. To me it is one of those things that seem situational; you do what you do when it happens. If I had to absolutely choose I would say I most likely fall under the consequentialism. In the category of consequentialism there are three main sub-categories. These sub-categories are Ethical Egoism, Ethical Altruism, and Utilitarianism. I believe that I have used one of these categories at least once when making major ethical decisions. For example, when it came to picking out the college I wanted to attend, I had a lot of factors I had to think about. I had to think about my parents. I had to think about their money and how close my college was to them. I had to think about my boyfriend, who I had been dating for only three years at time and how it would affect our relationship. However, in this situation, I used Ethical Egoism. I made the decision with my best interest in mind. I had to do this major life decision for me. I, of course, held these thoughts in my head about my parents and boyfriend and remained understanding. Ultimately, it was my choice no matter how it affected others. I have used Ethical Altruism a few times in my life. This tends occur in more minor ethical choices. I always want to please others, so if I can afford the loss I will let it be in favor of everyone else but me. Most importantly, I use Utilitarianism more frequently than the other two sub-categories. I use this, because I believe it is crucial in finding a balance for what is important for you and others. I am a human, as others are, and all of our feelings matter. I am not a fan of self-harm to make others happy. As well as, I am not a fan of selfishness. Balance to me is essential to live a healthy life. 

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