Friday, October 11, 2013

Final Post on Question 1

When it comes to the question “Who is writing the script of my life?” I believe everyone will have their own answer.  Most people would fall under the categories of free will, determinism, or compatibilism. I personally believe in compatibilism. The interesting thing is, I think we have to treat everyone’s ideas equally. Nobody knows what the answer really is to the question. Therefore, nobody can be we wrong.  Everyone has their theory and most even have supporting facts to go with their theory. In the end, we don’t know. There is no way anyone can know. It is simply a belief or theory. As a Christian, I do believe that God has a plan for me. I believe he knows where he wants me to go, but I don’t believe he has completely taken away my freedom. I always tell people that I can’t wait to get to heaven, so I can finally asked God all my questions. I literally want to sit in front of him and get all the answers I have been wondering about for years. God has the answers. God knows if it is free will, determinism or compatibilism. Overall, I don’t believe it matters what people think. Everyone will have their beliefs and thoughts on this subject but I don’t believe it will affect society as a whole. I also don’t believe it will cause much harm within in a society. Since it is impossible to know the answer for sure we simply have to conclude that everyone has their ideas. We may disagree with their ideas, but I believe everyone should respect them. 

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