Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ethical Choices

October 23, 2013

            I base most of my decision making on Ethics of Virtue; based on wisdom, temperance, courage and justice. I feel that I have good morals are based on character. In making decisions I and in creating relationships I look for the best character traits in every situation. Issues can arise that are “just life” or situational but true character shines through even in the rough times. I believe in treating others the way that I would like to be treated. Behavior is a true reflection of my inner moral character. I have not always made the best decisions in life. I have made decisions based on what I wanted to do instead of what was the right thing to do. During these decisions that I now look back and regret, I knew the right answer and chose differently. I can also relate to duty-based ethics in that I believe in the authority of God and the bible and I also believe that rules are in place to keep us safe. There are instances that rules could be broken based on the situation at hand and what is the best decision at the time. I am a believer in assessing each situation and looking at the consequences on those actions, especially after making mistakes in decision making in the past. In this regard, I would be a believer in the Consequentialist ethics theory. I believe in looking for a solution that is best for everyone involved, treating each person as a human being. In summary, I can relate to each of these theories; so which one is right? My best answer at this time for my own personal life is that each situation is assessed on an individual basis. Each decision is made to the best of my ability at the time that I am making it.

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