Friday, November 15, 2013

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Jekyll's friends

In the novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde written by Robert Louis Stevenson, there is definitely a lot of decisions being made that seem to lack morals. In this blog, I am supposed to discuss the moral and ethical actions of the characters. I personally want to discuss the two characters of Mr. Utterson and Dr.Lanyon. First, I want to discuss Mr. Utterson. If I had to pick the best man out of the entire novel, it would be him. The entire novel he is disturbed by Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll’s relationship. He has a strong belief that Hyde is harming or blackmailing his friend. He continuously looks into the relationship trying to help his friend. I think this shows that he is on the right path of good moral and ethical decisions. He recognized that his friend was in trouble and stopped at nothing to try to help. Mr. Utterson is a good man. The next character, I want to discuss is Dr. Lanyon. Dr. Lanyon in the beginning was a good friend to Dr. Jekyll. However, one night Dr. Jekyll reached out to him and asked him to gather a drawer from his home and wait for someone to pick it up at exactly midnight. That same night he watched Mr. Hyde transform into Dr. Jekyll. At this point, he decided that Dr. Jekyll’s experiments were morally wrong and Hyde was harming people. Therefore, Lanyon lost his friendship with Jekyll. In my opinion, this makes Lanyon lack morals and ethics. He did realize that Dr. Jekyll’s work was wrong. However, he did not say anything to anyone. Innocent people were dying and Lanyon stood by doing nothing. When Hyde went missing for many months and the cops were searching for him, Lanyon should have turned Jekyll in. That would be the right action for Lanyon to take. Since he sat by doing nothing, I have made the decision that is he is lacking in morals and ethics. He is not the good man in this story, but Utterson is a good man. 

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