Friday, November 22, 2013

In conclusion...

We have been discussing moral decisions for a couple of weeks. Analyzing other stories and movies and writing about how they came to the moral decisions, or not so moral decisions. However, in the end, I just don’t think I really fall under any of these particular categories, not completely at least. As a Christian, obviously, I find that the Bible is helpful in guidance. However, and maybe some would not agree, I do not believe during this time that Bible can help make all the decisions. It is used as guidance, not direct answers. The Bible was written many years ago, and cannot completely answer all the questions of this time. I have learned right and wrong through teachings from my parents, teachers, friends, and family. I learned right and wrong through experience. I have learned right and wrong through my mistakes. I have learned right and wrong through the stories of others. I don’t think you can find one person who would agree one hundred percent on everything they think is right and wrong with someone else. How could they? Nobody lives the same life. Everyone has different experiences, mistakes, friends, family, and teachers. It is even safe to say that even siblings don’t agree on all the things they feel are right and all of the things they feel are wrong. It just simply doesn’t happen. A perfect example is within my own family. My brother, sister and I all are very similar. However, we are not the same and definitely do not agree on all the things we have believed that are right and wrong. Even within our religious belief, it is slightly different. Everyone has their way of determining right and wrong. I personally pull from the past and those around me. I can feel it when it wrong. I know what I believe. As long as I know what I believe, I know I will be happy, satisfied, and live a fulfilled life. 

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