Friday, November 1, 2013

Source Code

The Source Code was a very action packed movie. This movie is filled with explosions, gun shots, and chasing scenes. Most importantly, this movie is filled with moral decisions. There are three main characters, who make moral decisions, on this film. These characters are Captain Colter Stevens, Colleen Goodwin, and Dr.Rutledge. First, I want to talk about Dr.Rutledge. Dr.Rutledge was definitely not making moral decisions. He was only concerned for profit. Even when he saved millions of lives, he wasn’t excited about saving people. He was strictly excited that his program worked, not that it saved lives. He wanted to make money and gain all the glory. He is clearly not a moral man. The next person, who had to make moral decisions, was Colleen Goodwin. In the beginning, she was definitely justifying her morals by authority.  She did everything Dr. Rutledge told her to. Before she acted, she asked Dr.Rutledge. In the end, however, she makes a connection with Captain Colter Stevens. She realizes he is a person with feelings. She respects his wishes and terminates his life. She goes against authority and follows her heart. She decides respecting him and his wishes is the right thing to do, regardless of getting in trouble. Finally, we have Captain Colter Stevens. The only moral decision he had to make was to save the people or not. In the beginning, he was only considered about himself and his team. He didn’t want to complete the mission. He just wanted answers. However, in the end, he realized it was bigger than him and wanted to save the people. He made the moral decision that benefited him and others. He saved their lives and they would terminate his.This type of moral decision is called Utilitarianism. 

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